
Tutor Activities

Overview Activities for Tutors
Main GoalWe developed several activities to support tutors for the implementation of the Thermos-dashboard. The goal of these activities is to prepare tutors in guiding students who have used the dashboard.  
Overview of tutor activitiesDurationShort explanation

Tutor training:
Word (NL)
Powerpoint (EN)
Powerpoint (NL)
+/- 60 minutes
This is a complete training for tutors consisting of the two separate activities 1 (role of tutor) and 2 (practice conversation). The main focus of the training is to prepare tutors for guiding students who have used the Thermos-dashboard. Tutors discuss and developed a shared understanding of student counselling within their study program, and what the role of the Thermos-dashboard is. Additionally, they will practice and share ideas about guiding conversations with students using the Thermos-dashboard through deploying the T-GROW-model.

Activity 1: role of tutor
Word (EN)
Word (NL)
Powerpoint (EN)
Powerpoint (NL)

+/- 15 minutes
During this activity, the main goal is discussing and developing a shared understanding on student counselling and the role of the Thermos-dashboard. Tutors practice their role with different cases of student needs. They explore the possibilities of student guidance within the dashboard. 
Activity 2: practice conversation
Word (EN)
Word (NL)
Powerpoint (EN)
Powerpoint (NL)
+/- 30 minutesThe goal of this activity is practicing conversations with a student using the Thermos-dashboard, and employing the T-GROW-model. Tutors apply the T-GROW coaching model in a role play conversation.

Activity 3: Tutor-to-tutor coaching
Word (EN)
Word (NL)
Powerpoint (EN)
Powerpoint (NL)
+/- 40 minutes
The goal of this activity is to reflect upon situations the tutors encountered while supervising students who have used the Thermos-dashboard. Each tutor prepares an individual case to discuss, based on experiences with students. Tutors reflect upon these cases with the provided method.